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HE abuse and cheatersby vINyL3 08/02/2025 @ 22:13
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ENIGMA DEMO FOR CHIKENby Chiken 01/02/2025 @ 15:27
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AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959

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Portugal.gif violeNt

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Posted on 04/04/2024  
AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959
Another noble gentleman caught up in the meshes of doping.

For now it's small fish, but one big will come again...




violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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Portugal.gif violeNt

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Posted on 04/04/2024  
RE : AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959
There are some players sending me demos  to review,
because they're afraid to post and be embarrassed... Those who use doping should be afraid, not honest ones... 


violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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United-States.gif VAFFANCULO

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Posted on 06/04/2024  
RE : AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959
Where are these cheaters playing? Which server? I play in FunMaps 1.6 usually and there are no complaints with cheaters that I am aware of.

Start dropping names, nobody is being embarrassed. As far as I am concerned, I have not met anyone in these groups that can consistently beat me on 1.6. I do respect a small handful of players I have come to know. Where can I find the rest of you playing?

If you're on Steam, come join the Steam group chat for AvJeux https://steamcommunity.com/chat/invite/I5prFg94

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Portugal.gif violeNt

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Posted on 06/04/2024  
RE : AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959
Where are these cheaters playing? Which server? I play in FunMaps 1.6 usually and there are no complaints with cheaters that I am aware of.

Start dropping names, nobody is being embarrassed. As far as I am concerned, I have not met anyone in these groups that can consistently beat me on 1.6. I do respect a small handful of players I have come to know. Where can I find the rest of you playing?

If you're on Steam, come join the Steam group chat for AvJeux https://steamcommunity.com/chat/invite/I5prFg94


Thanks for the reply Vaffanculo.

I play on 2 servers - dust2 cs and dust2_long cz servers and recently I took a few shots at the gungame cs.

I report anyone who uses cheats.

Obviously I know some aren't going to get banned for the reasons we all know, but it doesn't matter, a player is a player, a cheater is a cheater. I have respect for all the players who play honestly, sometimes I can say

some stupid things but it's part of the game. 

I've been on the Av Jeux chat. But Mucca spent all his time spamming the channel , I don't have a top PC, I had to leave 4 do not drop fps while playing game. 

Peace o/

violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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Romania.gif chimie

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Posted on 07/04/2024  
RE : AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959
Hello gents !

Is a big misunderstanding, you make a mistake , you banned the wrong player or the wrong steamid. 

I never used aimbots or cheats in my life, i dont know what you are talking about.

I cannot play the demo file, i receive this error message, is not working either in cs or cz.

Playing demo from chimie.dem.
WARNING! demo protocol outdated.
Demo file protocols 47:5, Engine protocol is at 48:5

I uploaded my last demo, you can find it here:

Thank you!
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Portugal.gif violeNt

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Posted on 07/04/2024  
RE : AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959
Quote by chimie :
Hello gents !

Is a big misunderstanding, you make a mistake , you banned the wrong player or the wrong steamid. 

I never used aimbots or cheats in my life, i dont know what you are talking about.

I cannot play the demo file, i receive this error message, is not working either in cs or cz.

Playing demo from chimie.dem.
WARNING! demo protocol outdated.
Demo file protocols 47:5, Engine protocol is at 48:5

I uploaded my last demo, you can find it here:

Thank you!

The 47 to 48 protocol is because it's nosteam, nothing that the c.s converter doesn't change... When the protocol is updated we will see your aimbot. But you're such a noob that the cheats have such a sensitive trigger lock that when you shoot and the enemy escapes to the wall the crosshair keeps following.

You have to learn how to take the sensitivity out of the trigger to look more legit, you have some of your countrymen who can help you...

You fool whoever you want but me who has so much time to couterstrike. As you have life, you must be born again

I can even forgive the cheats because you're a noob and we can all make mistakes, but using a far-right (Racist) avatar (White Power), you'll also say you don't know what it is... For that reason alone, the ban should be permanent because on this server we are all the same, white, black, red and yellow. 

Stay well l, but not near me... Makes me allergic

Have a good Sunday. 


violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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Acores.gif aThe.Great.Khan.II

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Posted on 07/04/2024  
RE : AIMBOT - Chimie STEAM_0:0:23568959
Quote by chimie :
Hello gents !

Is a big misunderstanding, you make a mistake , you banned the wrong player or the wrong steamid. 

I never used aimbots or cheats in my life, i dont know what you are talking about.



SOLUTION : Make Another Account on steam and dont do any shitty third party things to you account. (You will be safe).

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