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FRAUD BY AVJEUX ADMINby BRUNO 24/07/2024 @ 11:27
unban bvcby violeNt 22/07/2024 @ 16:10
unban oLd.by Chiken 21/07/2024 @ 15:16
Welcomeby chiken 03/04/2021 12:51
Santa Hat + Snowby Chiken 03/02/2021 17:23
Add mapsby Chiken 02/04/2021 22:35
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Author Post
France.gif Chiken

Posts : 343
Joined: 12/04/2020
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Posted on 13/12/2020  
VSAdditionalLivesItem.amxx            ; gives additional lives
VSAmmoAndGrenadesItem.amxx            ; gives ammo and all grenades
VSArmorItem.amxx                    ; gives armor
VSBecomeTerroristItem.amxx            ; changes team for terrorists
VSGravityItem.amxx                    ; set gravity
VSIncreaseScoreItem.amxx            ; increase score
VSInvisItem.amxx                    ; gives invisibility
VSLongJumpItem.amxx                ; gives longjump
VSSpawnArmor.amxx                    ; gives armor in respawn
VSSpawnGrenades.amxx                ; gives all grenades in respawn
VSVipChat.amxx                        ; adds a private chat for vips
VSVipPrefix.amxx                    ; adds prefixes [VIP] in the chat
VSVipPrefixAndGreenChat.amxx        ; adds prefixes [VIP] in the chat and text message is green
;VSVipPrefixColoredTranslit.amxx    ; adds prefixes [VIP] in the chat. Compatible with ColoredTranslit
VSVipsOnline.amxx                    ; show vips online
VSVipSpeed.amxx                    ; sets the vip speed with any weapon
VSVipStatus.amxx                    ; show vip status in tableVSVipModel.amxx debug
Edited by chiken on 13/12/2020
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