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Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!

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Posted on 29/12/2023  
Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
Hello, AvJeux family!
Happy New Year! To kick off 2023 with a bang, I've put together a list of console commands to sharpen your aim and enhance your gameplay in CS 1.6. Let's dive into these game-changers:
Refined Crosshair Size: cl_crosshair_size small - A smaller crosshair can improve aiming accuracy, especially for precise shots.
Static Crosshair for Consistency: cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 - Keeps your crosshair steady and consistent, aiding in accurate shooting.
Perfect Mouse Sensitivity: sensitivity 4 (adjustable) - A crucial factor in responsive aiming. Start with 4 and adjust to suit your style.
Crosshair Color for Clarity:
Dark maps: cl_crosshaircolor "250 250 250" (White).
Bright maps: cl_crosshaircolor "0 0 0" (Black).
Enhanced Radar Awareness: cl_radar_scale 0.4 - Adjusts the radar for better map visibility and awareness.
Smooth FPS Setting: fps_max 101 - Optimal FPS setting for a fluid gameplay experience.
Scoped Weapon Precision: zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.2 - Tailors zoom sensitivity for accurate sniping.
Disable Mouse Acceleration: m_customaccel 0 - Ensures consistent mouse movement for reliable aiming.
Network Settings for Reduced Lag:
rate 25000 - Maximizes data rate.
cl_updaterate 101, cl_cmdrate 101 - Optimizes update rates.
Optimize Audio Cues: snd_mixahead 0.1 - Reduces sound delay, ensuring you hear footsteps, gunshots, and other important audio cues more immediately. This can significantly enhance your reaction time in-game.
Experiment with these settings to find the perfect balance for your gameplay. Each player's ideal configuration is unique, so take the time to adjust these commands to fit your needs. Here's to a year of sharp shooting and strategic play!
Wishing you all a year of fantastic frags and epic wins,
///// GAY /////
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Spain.gif w201

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Posted on 29/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!

Nice Post Gay
Provided some useful commands, I'll add some that i feel come quite handy:

net_graph           --   Enables network hud_text              -->  values : 0 = None; 1, 2, 3;
net_graphpos     --   Set position of net_graph                -->  values : 0 = Left-Down; 1,2,3; anticlockwise;
cl_showfps         --   Shows fps                                        -->  values : 0 = Off; 1  On;

#This command is useful for low net player's.
cl_dlmax             --   Block size of chunk decals
                                     (sixe of packets downloaded) --> values : 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024;

#Trying to set a higher value of fps might not be able withou t:
#fps_max 500 
fps_override       --   Forces higher fps                            --> values : 0 , 1;

cl_himodels        --   Sets High/Low res players model           --> values : 0 ,  1;
    / cl_minmodels;

#Since server allows movement speed up to 2000.0 units, player can set higher default speed:

cl_forwardspeed -- forward speed value     -->  values from 0 to 2000, use : 1000;
cl_backspeed     -- Idem back axis              -->  Idem, set same values on all axis;
cl_sidespeed      -- Idem sides                     -->  Idem;
cl_upspeed        -- Idem jump                      --> Idem;

#Some servers will reset this values, to default 320 units per axis;

#Mute all audio ingame:

volume                                                         --> do 0 for no audio, 
                                                                               set to flloat value 0.08 , to reset audio;

#Mute chat:                                                 

hud_saytext                                                 --->set 0 disables chat hud display; 1 resets;

#Bindings, press a key to trigger an action;
#Dont bind game reserved key as: keys "asdwrg1234 Tab, Left shift ....."

bind "Key To bind" "Command"   -- example bind "b" "say hello"  -->when b key pressed hello will be sent as chat message.

Some useful usages:

bind "f" "say /guns"  --> opens guns menu when f key pressed;

bind "b" "say /shop" --> opens shop menu when b key pressed;

multiple commands can be called;

bind "b" "say /guns;wait;say /shop;wait;slot1;say /shop;wait;slot7;wait;say rtd;wait;name GAY;wait;b;wait"
                     1                      2                 2           3                 3                   4                    5                6          

;wait; is needed to allow time to execute each individual command, semicolons also end statement;
upper command would execute:
1 say /guns -> open guns menu
2 say /shop -> opens shop  -> select slot1 -> buys heal from store;
3 say /shop -> opens shop  -> select slot7 -> buys speed from shop;
4 say rtd      -> call rock the dice;
5 name GAY -> renames player;
6 b                -> calls the binding on b key -> recalls the whole function from begining goto 1;

.... .- .--. .--. -.--
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Posted on 30/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
Hey w201,
Thanks a ton for adding to the list with such a comprehensive breakdown of additional console commands! Your contribution significantly enhances the value of the post and brings a lot more depth to the variety of customizations and tweaks available in CS 1.6.
The commands you've shared, especially those like net_graph, cl_showfps, and the various movement speed adjustments, are super handy for players looking to optimize their gameplay experience. Your detailed explanations make it easy for anyone to understand and apply these settings.
Also, the creative use of bindings you've outlined is quite impressive – it's a great demonstration of how versatile and powerful console commands can be in customizing gameplay and streamlining actions.
It's always fantastic to see community members sharing knowledge and tips. This kind of collaboration is what makes the AvJeux community so great!
Keep the great tips coming, and let's all continue to help each other improve our game!
///// GAY /////
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Portugal.gif violeNt
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Posted on 30/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
Here is my contribution:
The best guis for c.s has almost everything, just install the choice, the one I use incredibly is not here but I can make it available if you want...
my launch options:
-nomsaa -nofbo -freq 120 -32bpp -heapsize 1048576 -nojoy -high -noipx -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd

violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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Portugal.gif violeNt
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Posted on 30/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
Here is my contribution:
The best guis for c.s has almost everything, just install the choice, the one I use incredibly is not here but I can make it available if you want...
my launch options:
-nomsaa -nofbo -freq 120 -32bpp -heapsize 1048576 -nojoy -high -noipx -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd

violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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Posted on 30/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
Quote by violeNt :
Here is my contribution:
The best guis for c.s has almost everything, just install the choice, the one I use incredibly is not here but I can make it available if you want...
my launch options:
-nomsaa -nofbo -freq 120 -32bpp -heapsize 1048576 -nojoy -high -noipx -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd
Hey violeNt,
Thanks for sharing such an insightful contribution! The link to the custom GUIs for Counter-Strike is a fantastic resource, and I'm sure many players in our community will find it incredibly useful for enhancing their gaming experience.
I'm quite intrigued by the GUI you're using, which isn’t listed there. If you're willing to share it, I believe it could be a great addition for those looking to further customize their game. It's always exciting to see how different players set up their game environments to suit their play style.
Also, your launch options are quite detailed and seem to be well-optimized for performance. The use of -freq 120 for high refresh rate monitors, -32bpp for better color depth, and -heapsize 1048576 for allocating more memory are all savvy choices. These are definitely settings that could benefit players looking to optimize their game performance.
It’s this kind of sharing and community engagement that makes AvJeux such a great place to be. Looking forward to trying out some of your suggestions and maybe even your custom GUI!
///// GAY //////
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Portugal.gif violeNt
Jeune membre

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Posted on 30/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
The gui I use is this:

FX GUI v3.0
How to install please read the readme.doc in winrar file

violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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Spain.gif w201

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Posted on 31/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!

r_mmx 1  -> transfers some of the memory off of your cpu to your video card.

ex_interp -> sets the amount of time to interpolate in between each successive update.Set this  to 0, CS  will set to 1/cl_updaterate
                    which is the correct amount to update. you can test constant values as 0.01,

                    This command affects directly your aim.

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der nette Mann
Posted on 31/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
Quote by w201 :


                    This command affects directly your aim.

who needs aim in deathmatch maps ?
i shoot on everything that moves

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Portugal.gif violeNt
Jeune membre

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Posted on 31/12/2023  
RE : Top Console Commands for Improved Aim!
Complete list of Console commands:

_restart: restarts the game.
adjust_crosshair: adjusts the size and shape of your crosshair.
alias: creates a shortcut for a longer command.
allow_spectators: toggles the ability for players to spectate the game.
ati_npatch: enables ATI graphics card-specific performance settings.
bot_add: adds a bot to the game.
bot_add_ct: adds a Counter-Terrorist bot to the game.
bot_add_t: adds a Terrorist bot to the game.
bot_difficulty: sets the difficulty level for bots in the game.
bot_kick: kicks a bot from the game.
bot_kill: kills a bot.
bot_stop: stops a bot from moving.
buy: allows you to purchase weapons and equipment.
buyammo1: purchases primary weapon ammo.
buyammo2: purchases secondary weapon ammo.
buyequip: purchases equipment.
buytime: sets the amount of time players have to purchase equipment before the round starts.
cl_allowdownload: allows you to download custom maps and other files from the server.
cl_allowupload: allows you to upload custom maps and other files to the server.
cl_autowepswitch: toggles automatic weapon switching on or off.
cl_cmdrate: sets the maximum number of packets you send to the server per second.
cl_crosshaircolor: changes the color of your crosshair.
cl_crosshairsize: changes the size of your crosshair.
cl_crosshairthickness: changes the thickness of your crosshair.
cl_dlmax: sets the maximum download rate for custom files.
cl_download_ingame: allows you to download custom files while in-game.
cl_himodels: toggles high-resolution models on or off.
cl_movespeedkey: sets the key used to toggle running.
cl_righthand: changes your weapon viewmodel to the right side of the screen.
cl_showfps: shows your frame rate in the top-right corner of the screen.
cl_updaterate: sets the maximum number of packets you receive from the server per second.
con_color: changes the color of console text.
con_enable: toggles the console on or off.
con_filter_enable: enables filtering of console output.
con_filter_text: sets the text to filter from console output.
con_notifytime: sets the amount of time console notifications are displayed.
crosshair: toggles the crosshair on or off.
disconnect: disconnects you from the server.
drop: drops your current weapon.
fps_max: sets the maximum frame rate for your game.
give: gives you a specified item or weapon.
heartbeat: sends a heartbeat to the server to maintain a connection.
hud_centerid: centers player identification text.
hud_fastswitch: toggles fast weapon switching on or off.
hud_saytext_time: sets the amount of time chat messages are displayed.
hud_scaling: changes the size of your HUD.
hud_takesshots: toggles screenshot capture notifications on or off.
kill: kills your character.
listmodels: lists all available player models.
load: loads a saved game.
localsound: plays a sound locally.
log: toggles logging on or off.
m_filter: sets the filtering mode for the in-game server browser.
m_forward: sets the maximum forward speed.
m_pitch: sets the pitch of your view.
m_side: sets the maximum side speed.
m_yaw: sets the yaw of your view.
mat_fullbright: enables full brightness mode.
mat_proxy: enables or disables model proxy rendering.
mat_wireframe: toggles wireframe rendering on or off.
maxplayers: sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server.
mp_buytime: sets the amount of time players have to purchase equipment before the round starts.
mp_c4timer: sets the amount of time it takes for the C4 bomb to explode.
mp_flashlight: toggles flashlight usage on or off.
mp_freezetime: sets the amount of time players are frozen before the round starts.
mp_friendlyfire: toggles friendly fire on or off.
mp_hostagepenalty: sets the amount of money deducted for killing a hostage.
mp_limitteams: sets the maximum number of players allowed on each team.
mp_roundtime: sets the amount of time for each round.
mp_startmoney: sets the amount of money each player starts with.
mp_timelimit: sets the maximum amount of time for the map to be played.
mp_tkpunish: punishes players who kill their teammates.
name: sets your player name.
noclip: allows you to fly through walls and objects.
notarget: makes you invisible to enemies.
pause: pauses the game.
quit: exits the game.
rate: sets the maximum download and upload rates for the game.
say: sends a message to all players in the game.
say_team: sends a message to your team.
sensitivity: sets the sensitivity of your mouse.
setinfo: sets your player information.
spec_mode: sets the spectator mode.
spec_save: saves a spectator's view.
spec_scoreboard: toggles the spectator scoreboard on or off.
sv_accelerate: sets the acceleration rate.
sv_aim: sets the aim accuracy.
sv_airaccelerate: sets the air acceleration rate.
sv_cheats: enables or disables cheat commands.
sv_friction: sets the friction rate.
sv_gravity: sets the gravity rate.
sv_maxspeed: sets the maximum speed.
sv_password: sets a server password.
sv_restart: restarts the server.
sv_soundemitter_filecheck: checks for sound file errors.
sv_stopspeed: sets the stop speed.
sv_voiceenable: toggles voice chat on or off.
sv_wateraccelerate: sets the water acceleration rate.
sv_waterdist: sets the maximum distance underwater.
sv_waterjumpheight: Sets the maximum height a player can jump out of water.
sv_zmax: Sets the maximum height of the map.
sv_zombie_escape_health_regen_speed: Sets the speed of health regeneration for zombie escape mode.
sv_zombie_escape_health_regen_time: Sets the time interval for health regeneration for zombie escape mode.
sv_zombie_escape_speed: Sets the speed of zombies for zombie escape mode.
sv_zombie_escape_time: Sets the time limit for zombie escape mode.
sv_allowdownload: Allows clients to download custom content from the server.
sv_allowupload: Allows clients to upload custom content to the server.
sv_aim: Adjusts the accuracy of bots' aiming.
sv_airaccelerate: Sets the air acceleration value.
sv_allowminmodels: Allows players to use low-detail player models.
sv_cheats: Enables cheat commands.
sv_clienttrace: Sets the trace distance for client-side trace checks.
sv_clipmode: Determines whether players can clip through each other.
sv_contact: Sets the email address of the server's contact person.
sv_friction: Sets the ground friction value.
sv_gravity: Sets the gravity value.
sv_maxrate: Sets the maximum bandwidth rate.
sv_maxspeed: Sets the maximum movement speed value.
sv_minrate: Sets the minimum bandwidth rate.
sv_minupdaterate: Sets the minimum update rate for clients.
sv_maxupdaterate: Sets the maximum update rate for clients.
sv_maxunlag: Sets the maximum amount of lag compensation that can be applied.
sv_pausable: Allows the server to be paused.
sv_region: Sets the region of the server.
sv_stepsize: Sets the maximum height a player can step up.
sv_stopspeed: Sets the minimum speed a player must be moving at to come to a complete stop.
sv_timeout: Sets the maximum amount of time a player can be inactive before being kicked.
sv_voiceenable: Determines whether voice communication is enabled.
sv_voicecodec: Sets the voice codec used for voice communication.
sv_voicequality: Sets the voice quality for voice communication.
sv_waterdist: Sets the distance underwater sounds can be heard.
sv_alltalk: Determines whether all players can hear voice communication or just team members.
sv_lan: Determines whether the server is running in LAN mode or not.
sv_downloadurl: Sets the download URL for custom content.
sv_allow_color_correction: Allows clients to use color correction.
sv_allow_wait_command: Determines whether the wait command can be used.
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only: Determines whether clients can only connect to the server through the lobby.
sv_allow_votes: Determines whether players can vote to change game settings.
sv_allowdownload: Allows clients to download custom content from the server.
sv_allowupload: Allows clients to upload custom content to the server.
sv_allow_color_correction: Allows clients to use color correction.
sv_allow_wait_command: Determines whether the wait command can be used.
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only: Determines whether clients can only connect to the server through the lobby.
sv_aim: Adjusts the accuracy of bots' aiming.
sv_airaccelerate: Sets the air acceleration value.
sv_alltalk: Determines whether all players can hear voice communication or just team members.
sv_cheats: Enables cheat commands.
sv_clienttrace: Sets the trace distance for client-side trace checks.
sv_clipmode: Determines whether players can clip through each other.
sv_contact: Sets the email address of the server's contact person.
sv_downloadurl: Sets the download URL for custom content.
sv_friction: Sets the ground friction value.
sv_gravity: Sets the gravity value.
sv_lan: Determines whether the server is running in LAN mode or not.
sv_maxrate: Sets the maximum bandwidth rate.
sv_maxspeed: Sets the maximum movement speed value.
sv_maxunlag: Sets the maximum amount of lag compensation that can be applied.
sv_maxupdaterate: Sets the maximum update rate for clients.
sv_minrate: Sets the minimum bandwidth rate.
sv_minupdaterate: Sets the minimum update rate for clients.
sv_pausable: Allows the server to be paused.
sv_region: Sets the region of the server.
sv_stepsize: Sets the maximum height a player can step up.
sv_stopspeed: Sets the minimum speed a player must be moving at to come to a complete stop.
sv_timeout: Sets the maximum amount of time a player can be inactive before being kicked.
sv_voicecodec: Sets the voice codec used for voice communication.
sv_voiceenable: Determines whether voice communication is enabled.
sv_voicequality: Sets the voice quality for voice communication.
sv_waterdist: Sets the distance underwater sounds can be heard.
sv_waterjumpheight: Sets the maximum height a player can jump out of water.
sv_zmax: Sets the maximum height of the map.
sv_zombie_escape_health_regen_speed: Sets the speed of health regeneration for zombie escape mode.
sv_zombie_escape_health_regen_time: Sets the time interval for health regeneration for zombie escape mode.
sv_zombie_escape_speed: Sets the speed of zombies for zombie escape mode.
sv_zombie_escape_time: Sets the time limit for zombie escape mode.
sv_allowminmodels: Determines whether players can use low-detail player models.
sv_client_min_interp_ratio: Sets the minimum value for client interp ratio.
sv_client_max_interp_ratio: Sets the maximum value for client interp ratio.
sv_client_predict: Determines whether client-side prediction is enabled.
sv_clienttrace: Sets the trace distance for client-side trace checks.
sv_contact: Sets the email address of the server's contact person.
sv_gravity: Sets the gravity value.
sv_maxrate: Sets the maximum bandwidth rate.
sv_maxspeed: Sets the maximum movement speed value.
sv_maxunlag: Sets the maximum amount of lag compensation that can be applied.
sv_maxupdaterate: Sets the maximum update rate for clients.
sv_minrate: Sets the minimum bandwidth rate.
sv_minupdaterate: Sets the minimum update rate for clients.
sv_pure: Determines whether clients are forced to use pure server settings.
sv_unlag: Determines whether lag compensation is enabled.
sv_unlag_debug: Determines whether lag compensation debugging is enabled.
sv_unlag_fixstuck: Determines whether lag compensation will attempt to fix stuck players.
sv_unlag_lagstreaklen: Sets the length of the lag streak required to trigger lag compensation.
sv_unlag_override: Determines whether lag compensation can be overridden.
sv_unlag_players: Determines which players lag compensation will be applied to.
sv_unlag_pushmove: Determines whether lag compensation will push player movement.
sv_unlag_time: Sets the amount of time lag compensation is applied for.
sv_use_steam_voice: Determines whether Steam voice communication is enabled.
sv_voicecodec: Sets the voice codec used for voice communication.
sv_voiceenable: Determines whether voice communication is enabled.
sv_voicequality: Sets the voice quality for voice communication.
sv_wateramp: Sets the amplitude of underwater sounds.
sv_waterdist: Sets the distance underwater sounds can be heard.
sv_waterfreq: Sets the frequency of underwater sounds.
sv_waterlevel: Sets the water level of the map.
sv_watermove: Sets the movement speed in water.
sv_wateroverlay: Determines whether the water overlay effect is enabled.
sv_waterripple: Determines whether water ripple effects are enabled.
sv_waterterrain: Determines whether water terrain effects are enabled.
sv_zmax: Sets the maximum height of the map.
tracer_extra: Determines the number of extra tracer rounds that are fired.
tracer_length: Sets the length of tracer rounds.
tracer_whiz_distance: Sets the distance that bullet whiz sounds can be heard.
tv_autorecord: Determines whether demos are automatically recorded when the server is full.
tv_chatgroupsonly: Determines whether chat messages are only sent to spectators in the same group.
tv_delaymapchange: Determines whether the map change is delayed when the server is full.
tv_delaytime: Sets the delay time for TV broadcasts.
tv_enable: Determines whether TV broadcasts are enabled.
tv_maxclients: Sets the maximum number of clients that can connect to the TV.
tv_maxrate: Sets the maximum bandwidth rate for TV broadcasts.
tv_name: Sets the name of the TV station.
tv_password: Sets the password for the TV station.
tv_port: Sets the port number for the TV station.
tv_relayvoice: Determines whether voice communication is relayed in TV broadcasts.
tv_snapshotrate: Sets the snapshot rate for TV broadcasts.
tv_timeout: Sets the timeout value for TV broadcasts.
tv_transmitall: Determines whether all entities are transmitted in TV broadcasts.
tv_type: Sets the type of the TV station.
tv_volume: Sets the volume for TV broadcasts.
version: Displays the version of the game.
viewmodel_fov: Sets the field of view for viewmodels.
voice_enable: Determines whether voice communication is enabled.
voice_forcemicrecord: Determines whether voice communication is always recorded.
voice_modenable: Determines whether voice communication is enabled for spectators.
voice_scale: Sets the volume of voice communication.
voice_threshold: Sets the threshold for voice activation.
waypoint_autoconnect: Determines whether waypoints are automatically connected.
waypoint_autoportal: Determines whether waypoints are automatically created at portals.
waypoint_autopath: Determines whether waypoints are automatically created when paths are drawn.
waypoint_clear: Clears all waypoints.
waypoint_drawpath: Determines whether waypoint paths are drawn.
waypoint_drawradius: Determines whether waypoint radii are drawn.
waypoint_drawtransitions: Determines whether waypoint transitions are drawn.
waypoint_floodfill: Fills a large area with waypoints.
waypoint_maxlinks: Sets the maximum number of links for each waypoint.
waypoint_maxsize: Sets the maximum size for waypoints.
waypoint_minoffset: Sets the minimum offset for waypoints.
waypoint_pathdelay: Sets the delay time for waypoint paths.
waypoint_pathfile: Sets the file name for waypoint paths.
waypoint_pathpause: Sets the pause time for waypoint paths.
waypoint_pathprefix: Sets the prefix for waypoint paths.
waypoint_radius: Sets the radius for waypoints.
waypoint_save: Saves the current waypoints to a file.
waypoint_setradius: Sets the radius for a single waypoint.
waypoint_toggle: Toggles waypoint creation mode.
weapon_accuracy_decay: Sets the accuracy decay rate for weapons.
weapon_buying_allowed: Determines whether weapon buying is allowed.
weapon_debug_spread_show: Determines whether weapon spread debugging is enabled.
weapon_recoil_scale: Sets the recoil scale for weapons.
weapon_respawn_time: Sets the respawn time for weapons.
winlimit: Sets the number of rounds required to win the game.
zoom_sensitivity_ratio: Sets the sensitivity ratio for zooming.
cl_lc: Determines whether client-side prediction of bullet spread is enabled.
cl_lw: Determines whether client-side prediction of weapon animations is enabled.
cl_minmodels: Determines whether to use minimal player models.
cl_observercrosshair: Determines whether to display a crosshair when observing.
cl_radartype: Sets the type of radar.
cl_righthand: Determines whether to display weapons in the right hand.
cl_showfps: Determines whether to display the frame rate.
cl_showpos: Determines whether to display the player's position.
cl_sidespeed: Sets the player's side speed.
cl_upspeed: Sets the player's up speed.
cl_vsmoothing: Sets the view smoothing factor.
crosshair: Sets the style of the crosshair.
fastsprites: Determines whether to use fast sprites.
fps_max: Sets the maximum frame rate.
gl_max_size: Sets the maximum texture size.
gl_playermip: Sets the player texture detail level.
gl_round_down: Determines whether texture dimensions are rounded down.
gl_texsort: Determines whether to use texture sorting.
hisound: Determines whether to use high quality sound.
hud_capturemouse: Determines whether the mouse is captured by the game.
hud_centerid: Determines whether the player's ID is centered.
hud_draw: Determines whether to draw the HUD.
hud_fastswitch: Determines whether fast weapon switching is enabled.
hud_saytext_time: Sets the time that chat messages are displayed.
hud_takesshots: Determines whether screenshots are automatically taken.
hud_version: Determines whether the game version is displayed.
joystick: Determines whether joystick support is enabled.
joyadvancedupdate: Determines whether advanced joystick settings are updated.
joyname: Sets the name of the joystick.
joyadvanced: Determines whether advanced joystick settings are enabled.
joyadvaxisx: Sets the X-axis for advanced joystick settings.
joyadvaxisy: Sets the Y-axis for advanced joystick settings.
joyadvaxisz: Sets the Z-axis for advanced joystick settings.
joyadvaxisr: Sets the R-axis for advanced joystick settings.
joyadvaxisu: Sets the U-axis for advanced joystick settings.
joyadvaxisv: Sets the V-axis for advanced joystick settings.
joyadvpovx: Sets the X-axis for POV hat for advanced joystick settings.
joyadvpovy: Sets the Y-axis for POV hat for advanced joystick settings.
joyforwardsensitivity: Sets the sensitivity for forward movement for the joystick.
joyforwardthreshold: Sets the threshold for forward movement for the joystick.
joypitchsensitivity: Sets the sensitivity for pitch movement for the joystick.
joypitchthreshold: Sets the threshold for pitch movement for the joystick.
joyrightthreshold: Sets the threshold for right movement for the joystick.
joyrightensitivity: Sets the sensitivity for right movement for the joystick.
joysidesensitivity: Sets the sensitivity for side movement for the joystick.
joysidethreshold: Sets the threshold for side movement for the joystick.
joyupthreshold: Sets the threshold for up movement for the joystick.
joyupsensitivity: Sets the sensitivity for up movement for the joystick.
joyyawthreshold: Sets the threshold for yaw movement for the joystick.
joyyawsensitivity: Sets the sensitivity for yaw movement for the joystick.
joyvirtualaxisx: Sets the virtual X-axis for the joystick.

violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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