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Deathmatch dust 2/long/2x2 CZ server

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der nette Mann
Posted on 03/12/2023  
Deathmatch dust 2/long/2x2 CZ server
Hi everyone,
this was my absolute favorite server.
But it has changed so much with new maps (inferno2x2,cache2x2,train2x2,kabul2x2,aztec2x2,nuke2x2 and so on and so on...)
Whenever i have time to play and i want to play some of my favorite dust 2 maps, i see one of these new maps running.
Very sad 
I wonder why you didnt make a new server with all these new maps and let the deathmatch dust 2/ long /2x2 server as it was.

Never change a running system...

So long

der nette Mann
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Poland.gif eN_De_Zet

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Posted on 03/12/2023  
RE : Deathmatch dust 2/long/2x2 CZ server
Other maps are just to break out a little behind dust's and honestly I like it
Bigger problem is that we have few players wich play is just crap - awp and 2 positions all map time long 
Best part of this, is that they think that is not camping but smart strategy for play 
~ eN_De_Zet ~
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der nette Mann
Posted on 03/12/2023  
RE : Deathmatch dust 2/long/2x2 CZ server
okay you like it
but you will lose all the players who dont like the change
me i played every day on this server
now no more
so i must look for other servers to play my fav maps
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Portugal.gif violeNt

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Posted on 03/12/2023  
RE : Deathmatch dust 2/long/2x2 CZ server
I see the changes too...
In other words, there is already a DM dust2 server so created a new one because
admin understand that there are some players with AWP camped in 2 spots, really !? iN a map with the confrontation in long and double doors you don't want camping
In other words, much better is dust2 with respawn bots killing in the back...

Facepalm !

violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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Poland.gif eN_De_Zet

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Posted on 04/12/2023  
RE : Deathmatch dust 2/long/2x2 CZ server
Quote by violeNt :
I see the changes too...
In other words, there is already a DM dust2 server so created a new one because
admin understand that there are some players with AWP camped in 2 spots, really !? iN a map with the confrontation in long and double doors you don't want camping
In other words, much better is dust2 with respawn bots killing in the back...

Facepalm !

You didnt even make an effort to understand what I mean.
Damian decided so and such maps were added to server dust. And the behavior I wrote about occurs on all maps on this server. This is DEATCHMACH, not standing in 2 places with AWP for the entire duration of a given map.
Weird that I and a lot of players just run and try do the best and wins round and get best stats. Mayby then we all shoudl hide and wait with awp ?

~ eN_De_Zet ~
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Portugal.gif violeNt

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Posted on 04/12/2023  
RE : Deathmatch dust 2/long/2x2 CZ server
I understood very well...
What is the logic of creating two servers with DM dust2?

Has it ever crossed your mind that there are players who want to play with AWP? Don't have the right to have a server?
Anyone who plays rifles like me sometimes and others has Dust2, Assalt, Funmaps, Pool ect... Isn't that enough?

I have many games where I get killed several times by camped AWP players, it's hard to die for unskilled camped players?!?... Of course.
But it's much more difficult for players with aimbot, who do impossible transfers,  flicks... headshots running with AK, don´t know how reset crosshair ,
They don't know how  straffing ... There are hundreds of kills, you go to spectator and the movement is ridiculous, crosshair placement ridiculous, game sense more ridiculous, with AWP even more ridiculous , that's why they don't want to play with the cannon in hand because they are easily caught... 

Anyway ...



violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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