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FRAUD BY AVJEUX ADMINby BRUNO 24/07/2024 @ 11:27
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SGS Parachute Doble Duck - SpeedHack Allowed?

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 Forum Index  AvJeux   Discussions of all AvJeux Servers   SGS Parachute Doble Duck - SpeedHack Allowed?
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Portugal.gif violeNt

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Posted on 30/11/2023  
RE : SGS Parachute Doble Duck - SpeedHack Allowed?
Quote by monstah :
Nah sometimes admins for fun change the airaccelerate to 100 and with high fps you can sgs and with the help of parachute you go way too fast i was one of them maybe you saw flying around the map with sgs/parachute when admin changed the cvars.

Precisely 😄

violeNt  aka GODLIKE

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France.gif monstah

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Posted on 02/12/2023  
RE : SGS Parachute Doble Duck - SpeedHack Allowed?
Well none of that was scripting/cheating simply cvars allowed us to do that for a short time to have fun.
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