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BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]

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 Forum Index  AvJeux   Discussions of all AvJeux Servers   BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
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Posted on 17/04/2021  
BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
the new / updated balancer is crazy:
1. it moves me seevral times from terro to CT during a game (BRUNO also reported this)
2. sometimes before it moves me to another team I kill opponent which is recognized as a teammate and then I am fully DEAD and have to reconnect to continue playing
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France.gif Chiken

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Posted on 17/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
yo I just replaced him, keep me informed
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United-States.gif Stach

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Posted on 18/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]

Hi Chiken, just tried it now and it doesn't work, /balance leads to no action and no message is displayed when command is entered. Happy to help / give feedback if needed!

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France.gif N4NO

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Posted on 18/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
The version you put was very good and there was no bug for me and it's normal that the balance is done several times to keep the good equity between the teams because now there is no more balance and you still end up with 2vs8.
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France.gif Chiken

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Posted on 18/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
the old one is better then? I postpone tomorrow
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United-States.gif Stach

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Posted on 19/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]

At the moment balancer doesn't work at all in Iceworld / Pool-Day. As N4NO said, it makes very unfair games with sometimes all players in one team and just one in the other. Sometimes I use amx to manually balance teams but since I do that myself it is subjective and time consuming. So we need a balancer for sure
However I was also playing with Natasha with new balancer and it was switching people like crazy. I was sometimes confused and didn't know in which team I was, and I also killed some teammates (I guess I was probably reappearing and transferred simultaneously so I ended up in other spawn zone). I think it was too aggressive. But it seems to have worked well for N4NO though, so... maybe we should try it one more time?
Alternatively, do you have access to the source code of the balancer maybe? Would be curious to take a look. Or you have other balancers you would like to try? Happy to help in any possible ways.

Edited by Stach on 19/04/2021
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Posted on 19/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
well I can also review the source code, I know basically all IT technology invented so far
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France.gif Chiken

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Posted on 20/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
Quote by Stach :

At the moment balancer doesn't work at all in Iceworld / Pool-Day. As N4NO said, it makes very unfair games with sometimes all players in one team and just one in the other. Sometimes I use amx to manually balance teams but since I do that myself it is subjective and time consuming. So we need a balancer for sure
However I was also playing with Natasha with new balancer and it was switching people like crazy. I was sometimes confused and didn't know in which team I was, and I also killed some teammates (I guess I was probably reappearing and transferred simultaneously so I ended up in other spawn zone). I think it was too aggressive. But it seems to have worked well for N4NO though, so... maybe we should try it one more time?
Alternatively, do you have access to the source code of the balancer maybe? Would be curious to take a look. Or you have other balancers you would like to try? Happy to help in any possible ways.

j'ai testé lui https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=606080

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France.gif Chiken

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Posted on 20/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
I installed a new one to see https://goldsrc.ru/resources/186/
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United-States.gif Stach

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Posted on 20/04/2021  
RE : BALANCER [CZ poolday/iceworld]
Quote by chiken :

j'ai testé lui https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=606080

I just went through all 6 pages of comments concerning this plugin and people seem to have had multiple issues with it. The plugin also seems to be unmaintained, bugs are no longer fixed (last person who worked on it was in 2009). That's probably why we had issues with it.

Quote by chiken :
I installed a new one to see https://goldsrc.ru/resources/186/

This new one actually seems to work ok, but it is only balancing by player number, and not by skills as well (it is explained in the description in Russian). I checked on a couple of games and there were cases with one team of highly skilled players and other team with same number of players but unskilled, so it can be very unfair. I would recommend this other balancer from the same Russian website: https://goldsrc.ru/resources/147/. It is the top download in the website, it is compatible with CSDM, and can balance by player number and skills. I think it could be a good idea to give it a shot, let me know what you think! I am happy to give a hand to fine-tune some parameters so that it doesn't go too crazy if you want, let me know!

Edited by Stach on 20/04/2021
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