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Forums AvJeux Just 4 Fun
Admin Request - Bully

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 Forum Index  Server 1.6  recruitment  Admin Request - Bully
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Posted on 10/01/2023  
Admin Request - Bully

Good Afternoon,

Application to admin  the CS 1.6 Deathmatch for fun maps -

I play somewhat regularly - but usually at admin downtimes it seems, which I think is handy/key. In the past 2-3 months there has been a rampant uptick in cheaters/hackers on the server (including regulars), and its getting quite fustrating for the regulars. I spoke to Umbrella when hew as on and he suggested applying. It is noticable the difference when an admin is on - you will see the cheaters get signifcantly worse when their WH/Aimbots turn off when an admin is on lol.

Experience wise, I am pretty old - I played this game for a couple of the biggest teams in the UK early doors up to around 1.2 to 1.5. Played a couple of other titles proffesionally. I wont lie its been a while since I've admined anything - but it seems there hasn't been any new applications for a while, I am on the server and active enough that it may help, even if its just a way to deter cheaters from playing.

Many thanks,


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France.gif Chiken

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Posted on 10/01/2023  
RE : Admin Request - Bully
Hallo add me https://s.team/p/cmmbt/JPDWDJHP
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Posted on 13/01/2023  
RE : Admin Request - Bully
Great, got you added and messaged you on steam.
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Posted on 15/01/2023  
RE : Admin Request - Bully

Anything I need to follow up on? Messaged you on steam.


Cheers, bully.

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